Catalog #: NV5927
Release Date: September 1, 2013
21st CenturyChamberClarinetOboeString QuartetThe chamber ensemble format has historically been able to intimately interpret works with a variety of emotional nuance, and retains flexibility to perform music with myriad influences. ALLUSIONS, an album of evocative chamber works, showcases the expressive and interpretive abilities of contemporary composition and features works by five composers.
New York Moments
Catalog #: NV5888
Release Date: October 1, 2012
21st CenturyChamberCelloClarinetOboeNavona Records is proud to present the Tapestry Ensemble's NEW YORK MOMENTS. Oboist Richard Kravchak, clarinetist Julia Heinen, cellist Ovidiu Marinescu, and pianist Dmitry Rachmanov bring their varied experiences to the table to create a dynamic and versatile group whose collaboration led to the creation of a new subgenre of chamber music.