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With Passion, Works for Solo Piano
Yves Ramette composer
Eric Himy piano
WITH PASSION is the latest release from Navona Records featuring the works of French composer Yves Ramette (1921-2012). Exquisitely beautiful, these cascading works for solo piano stand alone within a palate of tine, color, and space that Mr. Ramette crafted and honed throughout his studies and professional career.
Says pianist Eric Himy, “I came to realize that Yves Ramette seems to have stayed in a place of his own…simply impervious to criticism. His musical vision is a surrealist’s idea of fantasy with his fresh, wonderfully innocent outlook on the world…extremely transparent crystalline drops of sounds evoking his Gallic roots and inspirations (Debussy, Ravel, Messaien). In the end, Ramette’s compositions seem to be objects that exist in space rather than in time.” Mr. Ramette passed away in June 2012 and is survived by his wife, Maryse. PARMA Recordings is proud to honor this exceptional composer’s legacy with this collection, and is currently in production on his symphonic output for future release.
Artist Information

Yves Ramette
Composer Yves Ramette (b. 1921) was born in Bavay, France, where his father was the director of a school. From a very young age Ramette was instinctively attracted towards music. When he was seven years old he started learning musical notation as well as to play the violin and the piano. At age fourteen, while pursuing his secondary studies at the Beauvais Lycée, he also began taking advanced lessons in harmony.