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Juan Sebastián Lach Lau composer
The Electronic Hammer
Moravian Philharmonic Chamber Players | Jan Kučera & Vit Micka conductors
Ensemble 3
Salvatore Novello percussion
Daniel Pastene clarinet
Gabi Sultana piano
Mexican composer Juan Sebastian Lach Lau’s music presents an amalgam of technology and sound without self-prescribed historical justification. With subtle influences ranging from Stockhausen, Cage and the New York avantgarde of the 50s, up to Satie, dub music and Thelonious Monk, Lach Lau’s music blends programming and algorithmic generation with traditional instruments, creating diverse, unique works that define their own aesthetic. The six pieces included on ISLAS, an album of his chamber works, are presented as musical islands, each its own labyrinth, isolated and cut out from the others while sharing some underwater features through the molten rock that chains them together. Each island is a world within a world, a point of view that contains others within it.
Artist Information

Juan Sebastián Lach Lau
Composer and keyboard player Juan Sebastián Lach Lau's recent instrumental and electroacoustic music, as well as sound installations, are based on algorithmic processes and harmonic microtonal inquiries, a field in which he obtained a doctorate in artistic research at the University of Leiden, Holland, in 2012.

Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
The Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the foremost and oldest symphony orchestras in the Czech Republic. It is based in the historical capital of Moravia, the city of Olomouc, and has been a leader of music activities in the region for the past 70 years. Its artistic development was directly influenced by distinguished figures from the Czech and international music scene.

Jan Kučera
The conductor, composer, and pianist Jan Kučera is one of the most versatile Czech artists. At the National Theatre in Prague, he has conducted the productions of Lukáš Hurník’s opera The Angels, Shostakovich’s Antiformalist Rayok / Orango, Rossini´s La Cenerentola, and of his own comic opera Red Mary.