Ron Nagorcka (born 1948) composes in his hand-built solar-powered studio in a remote forest in Tasmania (the island state off Australia’s south coast) where the natural world provides him with much of his inspiration. He has been exploring both music and nature since his childhood on an Australian sheep farm and studied music – including pipe organ, harpsichord, and composition – at the University of Melbourne and the University of California, San Diego. In the 1970s he was a prominent and influential figure in Melbourne as an innovative composer, teacher, keyboard performer and improviser with electronics. He was also one of the first non-indigenous musicians to master the didjeridu and pioneered its use in classical composition.
After moving to Tasmania in 1987, his unique and distinctive rhythmic and harmonic style soon gained him a popular local following, and since the late1990s, his audience has greatly expanded, with successful concerts in Japan, Rome, London, New York, Los Angeles, Sweden and Norway in recent years.
Sustain Vol. 2
Catalog Number: NV6345
What Are They Doing To That Piano?
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The PARMA Sessions: Karolina Rojahn
Catalog Number: NV5925
Catalog Number: NV5864
Heavy Pedal
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Fine Music, Vol. 2
Catalog Number: NV5851