Mark Francis’ musical career has varied from teaching, composing, performing, and journalism to orchestral administration. He has studied composition with Walter Hartley and James Eversole and guitar with Joanne Castellani, Clare Callahan, and Joseph Fratianni. He holds a D.M.A. in composition from the University of Kentucky and also holds degrees from the University of Connecticut and SUNY Fredonia. He has taught at Texas A & M Corpus Christi, University of Kentucky, Mississippi State University, Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts, Centenary College, Northwestern State University, Emory University, Agnes Scott College, Midwestern State University, and Power Academic and Performing Arts Complex.
Francis has received 10 ASCAP Standard Awards and 10 ASCAP Plus Awards for his compositions. His works have been performed internationally and have been part of the Corcoran Gallery Contemporary Music Series in Washington, D.C. The Jackson State University Orchestra premiered his composition on the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., The Trumpet of Conscience, at the Library of Congress. Conners Publications, NewMusicShelf.com, SheetMusicPlus.com and Imagine Music publish his compositions.
Francis performs on guitar and mandolin, most recently as part of the Atlanta Mandolin Orchestra. He has contributed to the contemporary music journal 21st Century Music, reviewing concerts and recordings. He was a past President of the Southeastern Composers League and Board Member for composition for the College Music Society, South Chapter. He has served as Executive Director of the Wichita Falls Symphony Orchestra, the Sioux City Symphony, and The McLean Orchestra, Director of Education and Librarian for the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, and Director of Education and Community Outreach for The Florida Orchestra. Presently, he is Executive Director of the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra.
Dimensions Vol. 2
Catalog Number: NV6251