Georges Raillard was born in Basel, Switzerland in 1957, where he completed his education, culminating in studying foreign languages at the University of Basel. From 1983 to 2001 he resided in Madrid, Spain, where he worked as a language teacher, translator, and writer. From 2001 to 2019 he worked as a writer, composer, translator, and archivist, mainly in Basel. Returning to Madrid in 2019, he has since been focusing on his artistic endeavors.
From 1973 to 1978 he undertook private classical guitar and composition tuition with Elfin F. Vogel. Since 1974 he has composed more than 60 pieces for the guitar, some of which can be found on his website. His composition Disintegration, released on the Navona Records compilation PATTERNS (2019), won second prize at the Festival Claxica 2010 composition competition in Castel d’Aiano, Italy. In 2016 his composition Sinking Islands was included on the Navona compilation BETWEEN THE ECHOES. Then, in 2017, he released the album BUTTERFLIES IN THE LABYRINTH OF SILENCE, also on Navona.
He has written short stories, articles, and reviews in German magazine articles and anthologies in German-speaking countries, as well as six short-story books.
Fading Sounds
Catalog Number: NV6426
Catalog Number: NV6243
Butterflies in the Labrynth of Silence
Catalog Number: NV6071
The album follows the Sinking Islands suite, Raillard’s first project with PARMA Recordings, which appeared on BETWEEN THE ECHOES, a Navona Records compilation album featuring chamber works.
Between The Echoes
Catalog Number: NV6057