Charles Corey is an American composer holding a Ph.D. in Music Composition and Theory from the University of Pittsburgh. His approach to composition exploits and subverts the relationships that exist between different tuning systems. Corey’s compositions, known for their unexpected, evocative harmonies and their strong dramatic arcs, have been played across Europe and the Americas by performers including Cikada Ensemble, Iktus Percussion, Kjell Tore Innervik, Ere Lievonen, Inverted Space, and Entelechron, and recognized by the Young Virtuosos Foundation, the Foundation for Modern Music, and the Sociedade Pró-Sinfônica de Limeira.
Corey is Director and Curator of the Harry Partch Instrumentarium and former Director of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra’s Merriman Family Young Composers Workshop.
Currents in Time
Catalog Number: NV6443
Figments Vol. 2
Catalog Number: NV6259